Thank you for reaching out to us. So that we can review your needs and advise about the most suitable supports, please complete the relevant form below. The form will take about 2 - 3 minutes to complete.
Please provide as much detail as possible so that we can have an accurate picture of your / child's needs.
Incomplete forms cannot be processed, please ensure you provide all required information, including GP details.
Please click here to access and complete our Adult Referral Enquiry
Adult Therapy Waiting List Paused 17/10/2024 - please do not complete the referral form at this time as we cannot process new referrals while the waitlist is paused.
UPDATE: 29/01/25 - Please note that the child therapy and assessment waiting lists are paused due to high demand. Please do not complete the referral form at this time as we cannot process the referral. We will endeavour to open the waitlists as soon as we have more availability.
Please click here to access and complete our Child Referral Enquiry